Wednesday, July 29, 2009

How lucky am I to be apart of this family.

My amazingly wonderful family minus some very important people : Greg, Malinda, Sam, Madi, Grant, Jenny, Eddie and Baby Connor or max ? And Sam(Steve and Karen's Sam)!!! We love and missed you very much. I am so lucky to call you all mine!!!! Thanks mom and Dad for raising up such an amazing group of people. Love you all!!!!!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

from the mouth of my little babe.

We are back home from a wonderful almost month long trip with family.... I will blog all about it later, but while this is still fresh in my mind I need to write about it so I will always remember it.

Grandma was talking to Spencer yesterday before we left and she said " Spencer,who is going to take care of me when you leave and Grandpa goes back to work, I will be all by myself"?
And Spencer's response was so innocent and priceless, he said " The Holy Ghost Grandma"!
Just like, of course didn't you know that.
love it when our kids remind us in very gentle ways that our heavenly father loves us, and he is always there.